Lita Ford spoke to KPVI’s Deanne Coffin about her journey through the music industry, reflecting on changes, challenges, and her collaboration with Ozzy Osbourne.
Recalling her early years in music during a conversation before her show in Idaho last month, Ford revealed how she has dealt with the challenges in front of her:
“I mean, you know, music is music, and everything else just kind of evolves around it. And so long as we can still keep playing music, then all the rest just doesn’t matter.”
Ford’s upcoming album is set for an early 2024 release, which will be the follow-up to her 2012 ‘Living Like A Runaway.’ As she prepares for the new release, Ford took a moment to discuss her past career. When asked about her early influences, she said:
“Well, anybody who was badass enough to play guitar riffs. I think my greatest inspiration was probably Black Sabbath. It was weird because back then, Ozzy Osbourne was the lead singer, and the first rock concert I ever went to was Black Sabbath. I was 13.”
She continued, recalling the 1989 duet with Ozzy Osbourne, titled ‘Close My Eyes Forever‘:
“And later on, I ended up having a Top 10 hit single with Ozzy. It was his first Top 10 hit single of all time because Black Sabbath could not make the Top 10 because they were Black Sabbath; it just wasn’t going to make it. So, when I did the duet with Ozzy, it went Top 10 in America. And I’m, like, ‘Yeah.'”
Discussing her future plans last month, Ford told THAT Rocks! that she’s interested in bringing a new dimension to her upcoming live shows:
“What I would like to do is put together a theatrical show, sort of like a rock guitar opera kind of thing. It’s been done before, and different bands have done it before, but I think in this case, it might be a little different and just to bring the whole show not to life just for audio, but for visual reasons also.”
Ford’s upcoming album’s production saw collaboration with guitarist and producer Gary Hoey and her backing band, featuring guitarist Patrick Kennison and drummer Bobby Rock. The band’s bassist Marty O’Brien departed last year, making way for Marten Andersson, known for his work with Steelheart, Lizzy Borden, and Lynch Mob.
You can watch the rest of the interview below.