Michael Sweet of Stryper called for unity in the U.S. following the 2024 presidential election, which saw Donald Trump return as President. Sweet posted a photo of Trump on Instagram with the caption ‘#historical’ and disabled comments. Later, the singer shared more thoughts, hinting that he remained neutral in the political sphere.
“I really hope & pray that we can all come together. Unite. Stop the negativity and move forward as Americans, not as red or blue,” his post read. “We’re all in this together. We’re family, neighbors, brothers, sisters, co-workers, friends and so much more. I love you guys and appreciate you all. That’s why I got into this. God Bless America. God bless this world. May God bring peace, love and restoration to us all.”
A following post sparked debate, though, when Sweet mentioned Trump, saying, “To think that God ordained a filthy-minded, adulterous, wealthy man with evil in his heart to preside over a nation challenges my self-righteous understanding. But He did, and that sinful man by grace gave us the Psalms.”
Some fans criticized Sweet’s remarks, with one commenting, “Evil in his heart? Getting a bit dramatic, huh?” The frontman replied, “There’s evil in all of our hearts because we are all sinners. It’s a very simple thing to understand.”
Another follower said, “Respectfully disagree. Thank God for Trump,” and he clarified, “You miss my point. My point is that God will use anyone. Heck, he used us!”
Sweet had previously shared that he was a Republican and voted for Trump during his first term despite facing criticism from friends and family for doing so.
When asked why he supported Trump despite controversies around his character, Sweet stated that voting should be based on policies, not personal conduct.