Sammy Hagar revealed his new look as “David Lee Hagar.”
The rocker shared a video on Instagram wearing a wig, jokingly saying, “What the f*ck is your problem, huh? You got a problem? Huh?” He captioned the video: “What happens in Mexico? No one got hurt. Make sure to swipe to see all the antics.”
While Hagar posted the video to share fun memories from Mexico with his wife, a comment caught his attention. The user wrote, “It’s David Lee Hagar! Who knew?!”
Hagar responded with clapping and laughing emojis.
David Lee Roth and Sammy Hagar have had a complicated relationship over the years. Things got more heated when Roth released a diss track directed at Hagar.
In the video titled ‘Where Is David Lee Roth Director’s Cut?’ on YouTube, Roth disses Hagar in the lyrics after their ongoing feud. The lyrics include: “Sammy Hagar’s not the same / You can drop that singer from extreme / But no matter where you walk around / There’s a little David everyone.”
Additionally, Roth rejected Hagar’s offer to join his Best Of All Worlds tour. But Hagar wasn’t upset. He said Roth is unpredictable and explained that the tour’s production raised the level of the show, mentioning that he invested one-and-a-half million dollars into it.